Prospective Student FAQ
General AEC Information
Prescribed Accommodations, Services, and/or Auxiliary Aids
Academic Advising
Center for Accessible Technology (CAT)
Assistive Technology& Training
Alternative Formats
Autism Spectrum
Other Accommodations
General AEC Information
- Is there a separate admissions process to 菠菜网lol正规平台 for students with disabilities?
All students must apply through the same admissions process and meet the admissions criteria. It is important to first visit the Admissions webpage where you will find information about the eligibility criteria for admission to 菠菜网lol正规平台.
- Is there an admission appeal process for undergraduate applicants due to disability?
All students must apply through the same admissions process. Students denied admission who believe they were unable to meet admissions criteria due to a disability can appeal due to disability related reasons.
- When should I register with the AEC?
- How do I register with AEC?
Registration with the AEC is completed online through our student portal MyAEC. Visit the AEC’s registration page to apply and familiarize yourself with the registration steps. A step by step support is available on our Youtube tutorial video “MyAEC Creating An OnlineStudent Application Form.”
If you do not have any supporting documentation, please visit AEC's Forms and Policies webpage; there you will find templates your treating professional can complete. In the event you are unable to upload your documentation when applying, documentation can also be submitted to
Once your documentation is reviewed to determine eligibility, you receive an email message with information to schedule an Intake appointment with AEC.
- What type of documentation is required to register with AEC?
AEC Guidelines for Disability Documentation are provided on the website. Following these guidelines ensures that documentation submitted to the AEC verifies the student’s disability and supports requests for accommodations and services.
How to I prepare for my Intake?
The AEC asks students to review the interactive PreIntake Information PDF [pdf] in its entirety as the information presented will not be discussed in detail or repeated during the Intake. During the Intake the AEC counselor will address specific questions and/or concerns related to the information shared in this document.
Freshman: I had an IEP, 504 Plan, SELPA, or Accommodation Plan in High School. Can
I get accommodations at 菠菜网lol正规平台?
Individual Education Plans (IEPs), 504 plans and SELPAs often differ significantly from the accommodations and services provided at the post-secondary level. One difference is that these plans do not always contain the evaluation/assessment scores that qualify a student with a learning disability for accommodations and services at the higher education level.
The documentation you submit will assist in determining your eligibility for accommodations. The more current and complete your documentation is will assist AEC counselors to determine reasonable and appropriate accommodations. If you received services in K-12 for:
1. Learning disability (LD): Ask the high school or district office for a complete copy of your last LD assessment results.
2. Mental Health or Medical diagnosis: Confirm that your high school documentation includes the diagnosis. If a student is still under the care of a treating professional and it is feasible to obtain current documentation, please use one of AEC’s Verification Templates.
3. ASD diagnosis must be stated on most current K-12 documentation.
Where should I submit my documentation?
Documentation should be uploaded when completing the AEC’s online registration. If students are unable to upload documentation at the time of completing the AEC application, AEC will follow up with a link for students to upload their documentation or students may email documentation to
What if my existing documentation does not meet the AEC guidelines?
Students are encouraged to submit the documentation they have for review by an AEC Counselor. Provisional accommodations may be established while additional documentation is being obtained. The AEC Counselor can work with the student and treating professional to clarify what information is needed should additional documentation be needed.
Is the confidentiality of a student’s AEC record/status maintained through the Accessible
Education Center?
All information and documentation submitted to the AEC is kept separate from an academic record and is considered private under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. As an AEC student, you must sign a release of information and specify the individual you are authorizing the release of disability-related information. Unless AEC has the student’s written and signed authorization, AEC will not disclose information to faculty, staff, parents, or other third parties and is considered private under the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). AEC can not guarantee confidentiality as there may be times when sharing some information is necessary to facilitate the accommodation process.
No record of disability status appears on the academic transcript or permanent documents maintained by the Office of the Registrar.
How long does AEC maintain my confidential file?
- The AEC purges student files after five years of inactivity in the 菠菜网lol正规平台 system. The AEC recommends students retain copies for their own records.
Am I required to inform my instructors about my disability?
Students are not legally required to disclose the nature of their disability to faculty. However, students utilizing AEC services will need to disclose their AEC registration if they will be utilizing course accommodations.
Does the AEC loan out wheelchairs?
The University does not provide wheelchairs to students or University guests.
Prescribed Accommodations, Services, and/or Auxiliary Aids
What accommodations, services, and/or auxiliary aids are available (if qualified)
at 菠菜网lol正规平台?
Accommodations, services, and auxiliary aids are determined on a case-by-case basis in following with the interactive process. Students may qualify for the following accommodations, services, and/or auxiliary aids (non-exhaustive list):
- Testing Accommodations
- Notetaking Services
- Alternative Formats
- Training for Assistive Technology
- Access to AEC Computer Lab (Center for Accessible Technology)
- Real-time Captioning
- Interpreting Services (ASL)
Will I have the same accommodations I received in High School, Community College,
or another 4-year institution?
Receiving services in a previous educational environment does not automatically guarantee identical services will be provided at San José State University.
Students will meet with an AEC professional counselor and engage in discussion, review of their documentation and implementation of reasonable and appropriate academic accommodations. The goal is to identify appropriate accommodations and/or auxiliary aids that can be implemented to create equal access in the areas where there are barriers caused by a disability.
All students must apply and self-disclose to the AEC their request for accommodations. Registration with AEC can occur at any time during a student's enrollment at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
- Are temporary accommodations provided?
Yes. Academic accommodations will be approved on a case by case basis and are individually designed to create equal access for a student. They can be approved on a provisional, temporary and/permanent basis by the AEC.
Can I add new accommodations once my accommodations have been prescribed?
Additional accommodations can be requested/reviewed as a student progresses through their academic pursuits at the university. Students need to meet with an AEC Counselor to discuss their request for new accommodation(s).
If I am registered with the AEC, will I receive priority registration (advance registration)?
Priority registration received at a previous institution(s) does not determine eligibility at 菠菜网lol正规平台; priority registration is determined on a case by case basis.
Does AEC provide tutors to assist students with disabilities?
The AEC does not provide tutoring for students with disabilities. The University offers tutoring to all students through campus resources such as Peer Connections and the Writing Center. AEC students utilizing these campus resources are provided consideration for additional support time.
Are there any financial aid scholarships or programs available for students with disabilities?
- Scholarships for students with disabilities may be available through the private sector; this information is available on the Financial and Scholarship Office website.
Does AEC provide temporary disabled parking permits for 菠菜网lol正规平台?
At 菠菜网lol正规平台, parking is managed by 菠菜网lol正规平台 Parking Services. AEC does not have any authority in matters regarding parking at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
Only vehicles with DMV placards (permanent and temporary) are authorized to park in 菠菜网lol正规平台 disabled parking stalls.
Accessible parking spaces are provided throughout the San Jose State University (菠菜网lol正规平台) campus. 菠菜网lol正规平台 parking permits are required when using these spaces. Accessible parking spaces can be located using the 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus map.
Students and visitors to San Jose State University who wish to park in a marked disabled parking space on campus must have one of the following:-A DMV issued disabled parking placard (blue or red)
-DMV issued disabled parking license plate
-Persons who have one of the above must also display a current paid 菠菜网lol正规平台 parking permit when parking in 菠菜网lol正规平台 parking stalls.
Failure to display both items properly as described in 菠菜网lol正规平台’s Parking Regulations will result in a parking citation from 菠菜网lol正规平台 Parking Services.
How do I make a complaint or express a concern regarding a prescribed accommodation?
Faculty, staff or students with questions, concerns or disagreements regarding a prescribed accommodation(s) should schedule an appointment to talk with an AEC Counselor to discuss the concern to resolve the matter as expeditiously as possible. Students should make a reasonable, good-faith attempt to resolve the complaint on an informal basis following the Student Grievance Procedures in accordance with Presidential Directive 97-03, Accommodations for Students with Disabilities.
Academic Advising
- If my disability prevents me from satisfying a basic skill GE requirement, can I petition
for a substitution?
Given the uniqueness of this type of petition, you will need to confer with an AEC counselor to determine eligibility.
I have received an approval from my community college for a GE Math substitution.
Will 菠菜网lol正规平台 also approve of this petition?
菠菜网lol正规平台 does not accept petitions granted at previous institutions. Students will need to speak to an AEC Counselor to determine eligibility to submit a similar petition.
Does 菠菜网lol正规平台 waive course and/or test requirements for students with disabilities?
All students must meet all graduation requirements, which include course and test requirements. In rare instances, students may petition to have a graduation requirement substituted with appropriate coursework for disability-related reasons.
Why do I need to take the WST?
- In 1977, the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) was implemented system-wide
through all the CSU campuses to evaluate university level writing skills. A passing
score on the WST is a pre-requisite for the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies requirements. Should you
require accommodations, contact the AEC to register to request WST accommodations
at least one month prior to the date of the WST. Please see the AEC website for more information.
NOTE: Due to COVID-19, 菠菜网lol正规平台 must temporarily suspend offering the WST. 菠菜网lol正规平台 will temporarily offer a Directed Self Placement (DSP) alternative for students to help them select their 100A or 100W course for Summer and Fall 2020.
The DSP is a series of questions and exercises that will help you choose the writing course that is right for you. Once you complete the DSP, you are then able to register for 100A or 100W. If you complete the DSP, you don’t have to take the WST once it resumes.
- In 1977, the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement (GWAR) was implemented system-wide
through all the CSU campuses to evaluate university level writing skills. A passing
score on the WST is a pre-requisite for the 菠菜网lol正规平台 Studies requirements. Should you
require accommodations, contact the AEC to register to request WST accommodations
at least one month prior to the date of the WST. Please see the AEC website for more information.
Center for Accessible Technology (CAT)
- About CAT
- The Center for Accessible Technology (CAT) is a program of the Accessible Education Center (AEC) that provides assistive technology training and alternative formats to students with disabilities. CAT utilizes the latest in assistive technology software and hardware, with approximately thirty accessible stations and trained staff.
Assistive Technology& Training
- Does CAT offer training?
- CAT staff provides training for all assistive technology prescribed by AEC. Students can also learn independently by utilizing the resources that are readily available on the CAT Tutorials.
- Does CAT offer technology support?
- CAT staff provides technical support for software/hardware prescribed by AEC. Software
support constitutes providing a student with basic direction in a student's efforts
to learn various software applications. Software support is not formal training. Students
can also learn independently by utilizing the resources that are readily available
on the CAT Tutorials.
- CAT staff provides technical support for software/hardware prescribed by AEC. Software
support constitutes providing a student with basic direction in a student's efforts
to learn various software applications. Software support is not formal training. Students
can also learn independently by utilizing the resources that are readily available
on the CAT Tutorials.
Alternative Formats
- What are Alternative Formats?
Alternative media formats include Braille, e-text (electronic text), and large print. Alternative format is produced for curriculum requirements only and is determined by individual student need and the ability to provide the curriculum material in the desired format.
Students prescribed alternative formats must meet with the Alternative Media Coordinator to discuss and determine appropriate format and receive training on the prescribed assistive technology.
- How do I submit an alternative format request for my textbook?
Students are responsible for requesting alternative formats services each semester they are required. Students should request alternative formats as soon as classes appear in MyAEC. All requests must be submitted via MyAEC Student Portal.
Late requests will be honored provided the student making the request understands CAT will set the timeline for completion of the work accordingly. Late submissions are those requests received after the semester begins.
Step 1: Login to MyAEC
Step 2: On the left side hand side click on Alternative Formats
Step 3: Select the book(s) from list
Step 4: Upload a copy of proof of payment, i,e. book receipts
- What if my textbook is not listed in MyAEC?
- If the textbook is not listed, students must submit e-text requests using the Custom
Request form located in the alternative formats section. The following information
must be included for each book request:
-Book title
-ISBN number (13 digits)
- If the textbook is not listed, students must submit e-text requests using the Custom
Request form located in the alternative formats section. The following information
must be included for each book request:
- What happens once I submit my book request?
- CAT staff will request digital textbook files directly from the publisher. However, if publisher files are not available, students will have the option of providing their textbook for production.
- How will I receive my alternative format?
CAT personnel will notify the student by their 菠菜网lol正规平台-issued e-mail address when the alternative format is complete and ready to download. CAT will use WeTransfer to send all completed files.
Students will be provided with one alternative format copy for each material required for academic use. This electronic file is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed. Any further reproduction or distribution is an infringement of the laws governing the production and distribution of alternative formats.
- What if I need Curriculum Course Readers, Lab Manuals, Articles, Handouts & Syllabi
in accessible format?
Students will need to ask the instructor if the material(s) is in electronic format. If yes, the instructor should e-mail the electronic copy to the student. Students should then forward file(s) CAT for production.
If the information is available on a web site (i.e., New York Times, San Jose Mercury News, etc.), students should email the website address to CAT for production.
If the material is not available in electronic format students will need to drop off a hard copy to CAT for production.
- What is the Alternative Format Approximate Turn-Around Time?
Every effort will be made to provide alternative formats in a timely manner. Production time for alternative format requests is determined on a case-by-case basis upon review of material to be formatted and converted. AEC strives to make every effort in working with publishers to submit requests, however it is important to know that once a request has been made there are no guarantees that the publisher will respond in a timely manner. The following durations are approximate turn-around times for the corresponding alternative media format:
- E-books ordered directly from publisher: 3 to 6 weeks.
- Book or files being produced by CAT: 10 working days; production time could be extended depending on the format of the textbook and the time of semester the request is placed.
- Course notes, syllabi, articles: 48 to 72 hours.
- Braille request submitted in electronic format: varies; please contact to have your request evaluated for an estimation of completion time.
Autism Spectrum
Are there any specific services or accommodations for students diagnosed with Autism?
Yes. Accommodations and services are determined on a case-by-case basis in following the discussion with the student and in consideration of the students needs. AEC is in the beginning phase of developing a program for students diagnosed with Autism to provide further support for campus life.
Other Accommodations
Does 菠菜网lol正规平台 provide Housing Accommodations?
- Students requesting on-campus housing accommodations MUST submit their Housing application and meet all Housing deadlines. On the Housing application,
students must indicate their accommodation needs on their University Housing Application (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, doorbell and telephone signalers, etc.). Students
working with the AEC regarding Housing accommodations does not supersede submission
of a student's Housing application.
Additionally, students must register with AEC as soon as possible after submitting Intent to Enroll. On the bottom of the AEC application there are 3 questions. After question #1, students have the opportunity to provide additional information or comments. Use this area to state the request for Housing accommodation(s).
- Students requesting on-campus housing accommodations MUST submit their Housing application and meet all Housing deadlines. On the Housing application,
students must indicate their accommodation needs on their University Housing Application (e.g., wheelchair accessibility, doorbell and telephone signalers, etc.). Students
working with the AEC regarding Housing accommodations does not supersede submission
of a student's Housing application.