Scholarship Resources

When searching for financial assistance such as scholarships, you should not pay any money. These websites offer free assistance and search tools:

Accredited Schools Online College Guidebooks: Gateway to several guidebooks, college how-to's, degree options and so much more

Accredited Schools Online Financial Aid Options: Comprehensive look at financial aid options for those prepping to complete their education

Accredited Schools Online Affordability Guide: A guide specific to affordability and how to complete a college education within a certain budget

Addiction Counseling Scholarship: Scholarships, tools, and resources to begin successful career in the field of addiction counseling

AfterCollege: Offers over a dozen major-specific and inclusive scholarships

AC Online: Financial resources available to make one's college dream come true without the crushing debt Financial aid overview which includes college planning tools, academic guides, and a comprehensive scholarship database

CollegeNET: Database contains over 600,000 awards totaling over 1.6 billion

CollegeBoard: Scholarship search and financial planning resource

CollegeStats: Comparative college information from College View A list of scholarships from around the country

Discover Business Degrees: In-depth Education Resources

FastWeb: A large scholarship database on the web

Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities: Directory of scholarship options for students with disabilities

FIRST Scholarship Program: US Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology

Nursing School Scholarships and Financial Aid: Accredited Schools Online guide to financial aid for current and prospective nursing students

Generation Progress: Scholarships for undocumented students

Mometrix: A list of top 175 college scholarships based on web search data 

MoneyGeek - Asian-American / Pacific Islander Students: The complete guide to scholarships and financial resources for Asian-American and Pacific Islander students 

MoneyGeek - Black Students: The complete guide to scholarships and financial resources for Black students

MoneyGeek - Hispanic Students: The complete guide to scholarships and financial resources for Hispanic students

NerdScholar FAFSA Guide: For helpful information on filing your FAFSA, visit NerdScholar. Their FAFSA guide is helpful for students with unique family situations.

NerdScholar Scholarship Search: Search scholarships from over 10,000 financial aid programs

NerdWallet Finance: Cost of living calculator

Novoresume: The Ultimate List of Scholarships & How to Apply

Opportunity Fund: Save for college or vocational school. Match fund - you save $2,000. We add $4,000. The internet's premiere Free College Scholarship Search & Financial Aid Information Resource

Scholarship Guide for Black Students:  Comprehensive guide of scholarships specifically for black students.

Scholarship Guidance: Designed to help schools find scholarships for students who are interested in attending a post-secondary school

Silicon Valley Community Foundation: A variety of scholarship programs that grant up to $40,000 to high school, community college and university students

Social Work License Map: Resources available to help conquer the challenges posed by financing your education. View many websites and programs dedicated to helping pay for your Social Work Masters.

Thompson Grants: Government information services/education funding